Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Trendy Frugal Fashion Accessories 2012

All-natural Ethnic /Tribal

Ethnic and regional styles are often very hot and this year has no exception. Taking from the Native American or African use of natural stones like turquoise, agates,oranges, onyx, opaque and other stones in rock candy colors as seen in high stop styles of Oscar Heyman and Katy Briscoe. Beautiful pale angelskin coral and red coral, whether utilized in their raw type or faceted are still not to be missed. Bringing all these together is just one concept: Mother Nature

Huge Hoops and Chandelier Earrings

A pair of hoop earrings is very flexible and this trend is nonetheless quite robust. The bigger… longer… and glitzier, the better. Hoop earrings that go 2-4” down give that fashionable trick and would surely bring you to that extra mile if they’re with rhinestones or diamonds or maybe embellished with other designs. Extreme coloration palettes like scorching pinks, reds, greens and yellows produce a striking contrast that will give any vogue search a touch of glamour.

Rings Taking Over Hands

No matter whether fake or genuine the more one can place on a finger the greater and the notion is achieve that “eye catching style”. Clusters of different materials such as crystals, pearls, charms, natural stones, wired beads and even novelty pieces (like a scorpion, or a humming bird—anything of a known item or figure) are quite the rave nowadays. Flashing a statement ring while getting cocktails and engaging in conversations is the ultimate tease!

Ornamented & Bold Bracelets

Wonderfully dyed leather cuffs reminiscent of “surfer chic” with ornamentation are generating much rave and substantial Lucite confetti bangles like in the old 50s and 60s, metal cuffs with charms, studs and crystals are all big and bold.

Top 10 shoe styles
Every woman should have in their closet for a perfectly balanced wardrobe.

Black Pumps w/ Low Heel
Neutral Colored Heels
Semi Casual Flat
Dressy Black Heels
Fun Metallic Heeled Shoe
Everyday Comfort Shoe
Walking Sneakers
Heeled Casual Shoes
Boots of Any Style
Comfortable Slippers

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